How to manage a Personal Budget and deal with unplanned expenses

Whether your objective is to become debt-free, gain financial freedom, or achieve good financial health; a personal budget will help you manage your money more wisely and get you closer to your financial goals.

How to properly prepare for marriage

In life, there are certain events that can create a huge gap in your finances, when not properly planned for. These events include getting married. When you know that you plan to get married, start planning for that special day so that you can afford everything related to the ceremony without your finances taking a strain.

Budgeting Your Way To A Better Bank Balance

Let’s not sugarcoat things, budgeting can be boring. Some people miraculously find a system and stick to it and that’s that. Others try out a whole bunch of tactics and figure it out along the way. But, there are many people who are completely clueless and are at the start of their financial journey.

Ways to save money during lockdown

Perhaps, the most difficult text message to process is a bank alert informing you of money that’s leaving your account. It’s never a pretty scene as it leads you closer to your worst nightmare; running out of money.