Credit Report 101

Getting a credit report can feel daunting and like something akin to a doctor’s visit. But, it’s actually just a few clicks away and it can help you understand just where you are with your financial health, goals and affordability. We’ve rounded up the best options to get a trustworthy, FREE credit report at any […]

The Hustler’s Guide To Tax

There is a global phenomenon that has surged through the pandemic. Side hustling and part-time work, especially remotely, have seem to become the order of the day. South Africans are no strangers to this phenomenon and are also finding ways to supplement their income. The side hustling or part-time work seems to be the easiest […]

How to efficiently budget and save money for long-term benefits

Millennials are notoriously known for budgeting and saving behaviour that’s either lacking or non-existent, all the while grappling with high levels of debt. This is due to many contributing factors, some of which are not in our control such as the decline of our national economy.