Ways in which you can enhance your skills

The nature of jobs and job search is shifting at a rapid pace. More job titles that didn’t exist before are being created to keep up with the digital revolution. It’s important to acquire new skills to either learn new ways of working, keeping up with the current trends, or advancing in your chosen career.

Importance of skills improvement

Skills development is the process of identifying a person’s gaps in skills and finding resources to grow and sharpen those skills. This is important, as having access to a wide variety of skills can be what sets you apart from others in this highly competitive and multicultural era.

Understanding the African millennial’s impact on the financial services industry

Shallow, yet deeply self-indulgent, with attention spans as short as their list of achievements while sporting an annoying penchant for gifs, memes, and trophies — never before has there been a generation as entitled as that of the millennial. 

Lessons learned during lockdown

Have your finances been hurt or helped during lockdown? The obvious answer for most is that it has been hurt. It’s been painful not being able to buy those non-essentials during lockdown – such as DIY products, take-aways, alcohol, cigarettes, shoes, or the beauty products we never go without.